Meet a Mom: Jen Gonseaux with Katy Elderberry | San Antonio Moms

Meet Jen Gonseaux with Katy Elderberry

Where are you from originally and how long have you lived in the Katy area?
I grew up in the DFW area. (Arlington, to be exact) and it wasn’t until 2014 that my husband and I moved to the Houston area. I may or may not have told him I’d rather live in a box under a bridge than move to Houston, but I quickly fell into rhythms, found my people, and really have
enjoyed Houston as a whole. A pandemic led us to looking for a community with kids our own kids’ age with easy access to all the fun things. We felt the call to look in Katy, we’ve been here since 2020 and have loved everything about it!

You have 3 amazing daughters – how old are they and what’s your favorite thing about being
their mom?
My girls are 13, 12 and 10! I love watching them grow into their own personalities, seeing who God created them to be and how He’s forming that. Right now we are HEAVILY involved in dance and volleyball. I LOVE watching them shine and supporting them in each of their own

One thing people would be surprised to know about you…
I’m an extroverted introvert. I love visiting with people at markets and talking to everyone, but then I go home and I literally don’t want to talk to anyone for a couple days. Which is really hard for my OVER THE TOP extroverted husband. Haha

Favorite local things to do in the Katy area?
My husband and I love having date nights in the area. Our latest one was at Pop Stroke! We love the Old Katy Square and will visit those shops
Sundays after lunch.

Favorite local restaurants? 
Southern Dough is our go to right now and Los Cucos!

Give us your best mom hack that makes your life easier.
If you want to travel with kids, be able to take the road trips and not dread them…start when
they’re babies. Put in the hard work because it pays off big time! There were times it wasn’t great, and I was hopping front seat to back seat and entertaining, but now we road trip all over the United States and they love it; bringing their own games, books and stuff to stay entertained.

You’re a homeschool mama- what’s the biggest blessing in this for you and your family?
This has given us the freedom to travel, which we love and think is super important for our family. We get to travel off-season and miss most of the crowds. It has provided us with the flexibility to teach at their pace, and also take really fun historical road trips. I love doing life with
my kids!

Biggest benefits of elderberry products and what products do you sell? What makes Katy
Elderberry unique?
Elderberry Syrup is studied and known to help fight cold and flu. The ingredients within my elderberry syrup are known to help in their own ways too. Example: Ginger is known as an anti-inflammatory, Cinnamon is a great anti-microbial and aids with cardiovascular health and an
antioxidant. I would need way more time to discuss all the other benefits! All our dry ingredients are certified organic, we use purified water, and the honey is local to Houston and Katy. I’ve gone through all proper testing to make sure you’re getting the highest quality syrup, hold all proper licensing and I’m 3rd party tested for shelf stability and purity.

You’ve always been drawn to and lived your life in the wellness space, what made you want to
dive into entrepreneurship? 
Oh, I just wanted to help people! I wanted them to feel confident in their own ability to take care of their families, to know that there are ways to be proactive about health instead of reactive and I found that with Elderberry!

What’s your back story- what did you do before launching into this business?
My degree is broadcast management. I wanted to be a radio morning show host. Do people even listen to the radio anymore? I got married and then pregnant shortly after, quit my job at the local radio station and became a full-time stay at home mom. Funny how things change. I
actually started making elderberry syrup about 12 years ago, then for friends and family when they asked. I made quite a lot of it, and then we moved to Houston. It wasn’t until 2020 and our move to Katy when I had friends from back home asking me to ship my elderberry syrup to them
that I really thought about making this a legit business. After a year of research and gathering all licensing, in 2021 I launched and it has been so fun!

Do you think it prepared you for being a business owner?
YES! My communication degree has come in so handy these past few years! I thought I’d never use it and now here I am doing my
own marketing, advertising, social media, and talking to hundreds of people weekly at markets.

Best advice for mamas wanting to launch into entrepreneurship?
Know your “why”. The why is so important, and if it’s for a reason that could fade, stop and
reassess. The why has to stick, because there are days when this is tricky. When I’m trying to homeschool, run a business, coach the Jr. High Volleyball team, serve at church, that I’ve got to really know that my why is worth it and it’s what keeps pushing me forward.

Biggest blessing in starting a business in Katy, TX?
The people! When you find your people, they will shout your business from the rooftops! People here are not scared to share what they love. There’s been no “gate-keeping” Katy Elderberry and I’m so thankful for that!

Future plans and hopes for your business?
I’m working towards expanding to the San Antonio, Austin, Dallas area. I’d love to see Katy Elderberry in stores outside of Texas! Right now you can find Katy Elderberry in multiple businesses around the Katy/Houston area and in a cute little shop in Boerne, Texas.

Biggest blessing in being a mama?
I love experiencing life with my girls! Some of their firsts were my firsts too (like skiing). My girls are so thoughtful and aware and sometimes serve me in unexpected, beautiful ways. The way they all are about my same size, yet still want to all snuggle in on the couch and watch a “girly movie” with me is my absolute favorite.

Biggest blessing in being a business owner?
I love each and every time someone comes to talk to me and says what amazing things Elderberry has done for their family and how it has opened their eyes to other natural ways to take care of their family. It never gets old and I may or may not tear up with every story. I’m just
so thankful for each of these stories.

Check out Katy Elderberry on Instagram!

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